
Showing posts from October, 2020

Book Review of A SUMMER COTTAGE by Viola Shipman

The author delivers another tale from the heart about recently divorced Adie Lou Kruger as she struggles with her feelings of self worth after also going through facing an empty nest. This 40-something woman is looking to start a new career when she decides to turn her late grandmother’s lakeside cottage into a bed and breakfast for women who need a place to regroup and relax, if for only a weekend. The book describes Adie Lou’s challenges and her excitement of rebuilding the cottage and her own life. She finds herself rewriting the story of where and how her life will take place. She’s also determined to learn how to love again. Cheers to Viola Shipman for a superb summer escape! by S.M. OKelly Associate

Estee, A Success Story by Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder tells her story in a thoughtful, easy-going style, which kept my interest throughout the biography of her adult life of developing the cosmetics which made her name famous worldwide. Her first international success was in London, England. Then France, which kicked off many other countries, as far away as Japan, and as close as Canada. She and her cosmetics are a huge hit to the elites as well as anyone else. The book has photographs of her with presidents, princes, and princesses. Princess Grace of Monaco being one of them. Not only women enjoy her line of cosmetics, but she has products for men as well. Estee strived for excellence in her products, using only the finest ingredients. Her customers appreciate this fact. One of the things that struck me the most about Estee was the love she had for her husband, Joseph, and her two sons, Ronald and Leonard. They were all involved in the business eventually. Later, even her daughters-in-law and some of her g...