Review of The Jealous Kind by James Lee Burke:
There is a famous line in the movie, “Jerry Maguire,” in which the female lead says in response to Maguire’s babbling on as to how much she means to him, “You had me at ‘Hello’.” In the case of James Lee Burke’s third novel in his Holland Family series, The Jealous Kind, Burke had me on page three as the central character, Aaron Holland Broussard, relates the experience of encountering his first love: “I was about to enter a country that had no flag or boundaries, a place where you gave up your cares and your cautionary instincts and deposited your heart on a stone altar. I’m talking about the first time you fall joyously, sick-down-in-your-soul in love, and the prospect of heartbreak never crosses your mind.” As it never crossed mine when I realized for the first time that I was head-over-heals in love. The Jealous Kind is about a lot of things. Friendship. Family. Combating evil incarnate. But above all it is about a first love and the utter naivety that comes with it when yo...